The sound of this bamboo ocarina in the F Egyptian scale has a mystical feeling.
This beautiful bamboo ocarina is hand made by the talented Vladimir in Kazakhstan. We feel honoured to have these high quality ocarinas available for sale here in Canada.
They are very intuitive instruments, easy to learn and play.
How do I play the ocarina?
The process of learning to play a specific ocarina can be very relaxing and meditative. It takes time to learn how to precisely control the air flow, putting focus on your breath-work.
Close the square air hole or holes on the top of your ocarina with your hand and breathe slowly through the mouthpiece for a minute. Ocarinas condense a fair amount of air moisture when played, especially ceramic ones. After one minute of breathing this way, blow out the moisture with a short strong blow - and you're good to go. After warming up - the condensation will take more time to build up and you will have to get rid of the moisture less frequently.
It is important that the holes are fully covered to create a nice seal; but at the same time, you want to relax your hand. This will take time to learn the right pressure needed. Many beginners get very sore fingers after just a few minutes of playing. When your hand is tired, take a break. Your finger muscles will get strengthened much faster if you have 5 two minute sessions than if you have one 10 minute session. Watch the video in this listing or on our youtube channel to see how Vladimir hold and plays this bamboo ocarina.
Learning how to precisely control the air flow takes practice. First begin with a very soft gentle exhale. Listen to the quality of the sound. Then increase the pressure and listen carefully to how the sound has changed. Continue playing with different amounts of pressure until you enjoy the sound you have created.
What is this ocarina made from?
This beautiful bamboo ocarina is hand crafted from bamboo and is firmly constricted with threads. Bamboo ocarinas are extremely durable.
Where are these bamboo ocarinas made?
We searched the world to find the best musician quality clay and bamboo ocarinas. After many months, we found them off the east coast of the Black Sea, in Russia. We were blessed to meet Vladimir, a very talented artist takes who takes pride in his work as can be seen in both the appearance and stunning sound as displayed in his videos.
How do I care for and store my ocarina?
Playing the ocarina can lead to a lot of moisture buildup inside the instruments. It's very important to let the ocarina dry out in an open space after washing or long playing sessions to prevent mold. They can also be washed with soap and water from the inside (the inside and the air channel surfaces are covered with several layers of a high-quality lacquer for moisture protection). They should also be left to dry out before being put in a bag or case.
These ocarinas are works of art and I am sure you will want to show yours off. Bamboo ocarinas are very durable and do not need any special care when displaying.
Be aware of the humidity levels in your room. Constant changes of humidity are not good for wooden instruments.
Can I travel with my ocarina?
Ceramic ocarinas are pretty fragile and should be transported carefully.
The travel option for a clay ocarina is to have a solid instrumental case.
Second best is to have it wrapped in a protective layer of bubble wrap or soft padding in a solid box. This is how we will ship it to you. We guarantee it will arrive safely to your home.