42" Gaia Tone Art Carbon Steel GAIAM Gong G#1+26 52.7 hz
G#1+26 52.7 hz
GAIAM is masculine companion to GAEA. Together they form Gaia Tone Art “Earth Gongs’. These gongs are a portal to the great mother healing and loving embrace.
The sound of this gong combines a wide range of frequencies and “colours”.
It can be a useful healing tool in the hands of an experienced sound worker. It can useful to remove blockages at the body and soul’s levels, helping with processes of integration, bringing aid in trauma resolution, helping with emotional healing, facilitating astral travel and generally bringing awakening on the emotional physical and spiritual levels.
This gong is very lightweight for it's size. It is very responsive to the touch and flumies sound amazing on this gong. I just love this gong and you will too.
Who made this gong?
Get to know Massimo with this video
Gaia Tone Art founder Massimo Pintus lives in the Cowichan Valley and has been working here as an artist, musician and teacher since 2005. Massimo was born in Italy.
He lived in London England for a number of years, during which time he consciously developed his passion for music improvisation. This passion led him to meet, follow and work with composer and pedagogue Par Albhom in Sweden. During his mentorship, Massimo developed and deepened his interest in working with metal as a medium for sound.
In 2008 he underwent a 3 year program with Manfred Bleffert in California, learning gong making, composition, painting, contemporary music, improvisation, and pedagogy. Since then he has been making metal music instruments, deepening his experiences with his sound-creations and increasingly connecting his work to the healing resonances of the earth. Massimo keeps his passion for music improvisation alive by undertaking creative initiatives with various artists and healers, and occasionally offers sound journeys and sound healing meditations.
What so the symbols on the gong mean?
The Earth Healing Symbols are deigned by symbol artist Lynn Busch, www.lynnbuschart.com. These 7 symbols directly tap in too the energy of the great mother allowing her healing and embracing presence to support all processes. They offer a direct connection and relationship Pacha Mama.
What are the gongs alchemized with?
Note that these gems are not put into the gong, but instead Massimo transfers the enegry of the crystals when creating your gong.
The Earth Gong is Alchemized with 12 crystalline frequencies that further enhance the capacity of the gong to help with processes of integration, healing and alignment, allowing the receiver to feel empowered, grounded and connected to their soul purpose and their human experience on earth.
The Earth Healing gong is Alchemized with the Master Devas of Aurumel (Gold), Azurel (Turquoise), Argentelm (Silver), Yasbael (Red Jasper), Galandel (Garnet), Idarael (Lodestone), Urantel (Boji Stones), Hamutel (Hematite), Smoky Quartz (Uranomel), Isisomel (Larimar), Topasel (Imperial Topaz) and Anurael (Herkimer Diamond).
Master crystal Deva AURUMEL.
Afformation: “I am the solar angel”.
Gold is one of the most prescribed homeopathic remedies and it’s healing ability is held sacred by every race that has encountered it.
Is used for treatment of MS. Gold is the mineral of the solar angel, the soul consciousness, which it powerfully activated and carries into the body, regenerating all aspects of self, activating our inner light and true
potential, helping us to know our individual gifts and stay on our true path of growth.
Gold infuses with the desire to know spirit and grow via its embrace as a reality.
Mentally and emotionally it purifies, clearing negativity, tension and stress, allowing for the discovery of a holistic balance in all activities, and often shows the pathway for a true cure in disease processes. Gold extends its purification ability in the dream state making it one of the best substances for integrating nightmares meaning.
Spiritually this mineral is aligned with the male energy of creation and the very basis of unconditional love, it is known to activate and link the soul star chakra via the crown to the lower self and is the spiritual higher aspect of emerald, her big brother on the inner plane. Is a doorway to the solar logos.
It helps with MS, tissue regeneration, neurological problems, autism, epilepsy and dyslexia.
Master crystal Deva AZUREL.
Affirmation: “I am united in the oneness of earth’s spirit”.
Turquoise is a gift to translate, blend, heal and unite physicality and spirit.
As the spirit of the earth, this stone is here to teach us to deliver mother Earth and fire sky into unity and oneness.
In the presence of this stone, all communication pathways are potently infused with truth and creative flare and no obstacle is too great as the holistic self unites with the common goal of perfection.
Its most important gift is in its ability to allow direct communication with the earth and her spirit....it was said that even the ears of mortals could hear the sound of the planets moving through space, the music of the spheres, a sound she plays through the song before Birth, and a reminder of the great unity we represent.
Master crystal Deva ARGENTELM.
Affirmation: “ I walk the path of the moon, it’s cycle is my emotional freedom”.
Silver is aligned with the moon.
The association of silver to the goddess and all she represents is an ancient one and to this day it is renowned for the feminine vibration it holds. The mineral of the lunar path; silver’s energy are cyclic, flowing, cooling gentle and mothering like a calm ocean.
She opens the goddess path in the self, balancing excessively masculine tendencies, harmonizing emotions and facilitating clear communication.
Silver if the mirror for the spirit reflecting the truth on the spiritual path. Silver activates the soul and earth star chakra aiding visualization and psychic abilities.
Silver is a powerful antibacterial, antiseptic and antibiotic.
Is useful for fevers and headaches, burns and helps with problems associated with child birth and fertility.
Red Jasper
Master crystal Deva YASBAEL
Affirmation:I love myself, nurtured I am of service.
Within the teachings of the American Indians, red Jasper, is the blood of the earth, a gift from her.
Red Jasper takes deep into the stabilizing, gentle and warm body of Mother Earth’s nurturing embrace.
Within that embrace all change is gradual and flowing, rolling along at a rate that is suited to the self with as little turbulence as possible,
This characteristics make Red Jasper the most nurturing mineral on earth.
She is a gentle, grounding and stabilizing stone, that is extremely valuable in life and healing where change occurs too fast.
Master Crystal Deva GALANDEL.
Affirmation: “I manifest my purpose with love as my guide”.
Garnet Is the keystone of the Manu Allah Gobi, the lord of the first ray of creation; it Carries forth the pure vitality and power of the red frequency in all its action.
Its simple healing directive with humanity is the manifestation of purpose by unblocking creativity and channeling it through the heart
and emotional body bringing inspiration, devotion and imagination. Garnet is known for increasing sexual appetite and it is a master stone of the tantric practice alongside Crocite and Carnelian.
On the physical level Garnet is a potent blood purifier that aids the fictions of the heart and lungs. It is also a powerful healer of fertility.
Master crystal Deva IDARAEL.
Affirmation: I embrace my physicality, it is the greatest creation of the eternal spirit that I am. Of all the stones of the Earth, Lodestone is one of the most grounding ones, giving its simple purpose as the stone of earth embrace.
Is able to open direct communication with the earth herself.
It is also a powerful stone for the calling forth of the elementals such as fairies.
Master crystal Deva URANTEL.
Affirmation: ”The earth is my healer”.
Are mainly composed of pyrite and contain the potent healing mineral Palladium, which is rare, and has powerful healing effects on the body.
Boji-Stones hold one of the most gentle, though refined, grounding energies available on our planet. It is a mineral of integration on all levels. It balances and heals calling all parts back to unity.
Boji-Stones positively affects all the body parts and the entire chakra system. It also effects the acupuncture medians removing blockages and balancing the flow of energy.
Master crystal Deva HAMUTEL.
Affirmation: “United, body and spirit I am”.
When scratched, hematite “bleeds” a red powder, indicating its ability as powerful grounding stone, carrying the red base chakra down into the silver earth star below the feet. This is one of the only stones able to activate the earth star, the out of body chakra that polarizes the soul into the body, the most powerful form of grounding available. Hematite
supports with true self control and the capacity to take appropriate action to life’s situations. It is able to desensitize emotions for less reactivity.
Physically this mineral is able to strengthen and revitalize the blood and circulatory system. It is excellent with shock and stressful situations.
Smoky Quartz
Master crystal Deva URANOMEL.
Affirmation: “My physical world is filled with light”.
Smoky quartz holds great light and retains the most profound frequency of the darker minerals on the planet, earning it the simple purpose of earth light in healing. It holds many lessons for us showing that even the most mundane physical activities and manifestations hold purpose and chance for growth.
Smoky quartz aids with being ungrounded, insecurity, depression, fear of change and failure and life tiredness. It constantly reminds us of the divinity that lives in physicality and the blinding light we ourselves represent in the universe. It encourages to let go of the past and continue our journey forward with a thirst for life and the changes that it offers. It has the ability to anchor the spirit into the lower physical chakras creating acceptance of others and helping walk the path of equality, balance and unity.
Smoky Quarts can relieve ailments of the sacral and pelvic areas, it can balance bodily fluids and remove excess radiation after treatment.
Master crystal Deva ISISOMEL.
Affirmation: “My journey is my gift to the world”.
Larimar is the stone of service. It is air and water combined through volcanic fire, and made physical in the earth’s sacred embrace. It allows a harmonious blending of emotions and mind calling all the fiery areas into soothing play, peace and calm. It removes old patterns and opens a holistic view of self, spiritually, and physically, whenever there is a fire in life, such as the emotional and mental extremes of anger, hurt fear, pain and impatience. It activates a fearless ability to flow through life. And reconnects us to the earth and the sacred goddess energy, which activate a wondrous feeling of freedom in the physical
world. This makes it an ideal stone for those that feel trapped in physical life, who rediscover the wonders of free will. It awakens creativity, the ability to manifest in the physical world and the inner child that has fallen asleep. Then he powerfully replaces inaction, confusion, tears and pain with action, imagination, playfulness, laughter, and joy. Larimar is known to clear the meridians of the body and facilitate expression of the cause of illness, thus allowing true understanding and permanent healing to occur.
Imperial Topaz
Master crystal Deva TOPASEL.
Affirmation: I confidently create my world.
Few crystals on earth are able to hold the same level of light as Topaz, and none match her ability to manifest it into the physical world.
Her most amazing gift is found in the changing of the Crystal faces, alternating from positive to negative. This allows Topaz the ability to manifest into the world through polarization, the path between positive and negative, the middle road or space of all creation. No mineral on earth can manifests co-creation in a single body like Topaz can.
Topaz as a solar plexus stone, affects the emotional body by activating confidence, clarity and self love and subsequently empowers focus, order and understanding so as to be able to manifest a path forward with emotional clarity.
Topaz guidance delivers one into creativity, confidence and leadership resulting in conscious manifestation abilities.
Herkimer Diamond
Master crystal Deva ANURAEL.
Affirmation: “I am the infinite unity of light. I am”.
A Herkimer Diamond comes out of the earth geometrically perfect and shining with light. It is the hardest of all known quartz crystals and carries a higher level of light.
It is sought after for its ability to activate the psychic senses. It is the crystal of oneness, able to link the many parts of the self into a unified whole, overtime leading to true purpose in life free from unwanted outside influence.
It’s linking attunement effect helps with past life recalls and telepathic communication between people and/or places.
It is one of the key stones for stress on all levels, able to release trouble spots and and to gather memories from the effected part of the self for permanent healing. HD is used to normalize the metabolism and general cellular structure and RND-DNA imbalance.